08.11.2011 Katzenjammer (LKA, Stuttgart)

Hmm… over the last couple of years, I saw quite a few Katzenjammer concerts, and I was always very enthusiastic afterwards. These girls are just so adorable, so lovable, the music is fantastic, and the concerts are incredibly fun. This time it’s the first time that this feeling was different. It’s hard for me to put my finger on the “why” or “how”. It’s not because of the girls! They were as lovely as ever, the music was great as well, but somehow it feels like… well, maybe they have outgrown me? Sounds weird, I know…

But: LKA was sold out. Or maybe not sold out, I didn’t check, but so crowded that you had to fight your way through to get to a place where you could enjoy the concert. The audience was rather old for Germany. In Norway, that’s one of the things I love about concerts: that I’m not the oldest one there, but that adults actually attend concerts. However, it’s different in Germany… So you have this huge crowd at the venue, and they applaud nicely after each song and nod their heads and… well, no “and”. That was it. No wild dancing, no jumping around, no partying to the Katzenjammer songs. And come on, these songs deserve it. This BAND deserves it! But no, the audience was quietly listening, clapping when a song was done, tapping their feet, nothing else. A grown-up audience, in a way.

I hate to accuse a band of selling out, of becoming mainstream – and I’m certainly not gonna do that for Katzenjammer. They didn’t sell out, they didn’t go mainstream, they didn’t do anything. Their music is just like it was, they are doing just what they used to do at concerts (even though I think they could use a break from touring – they did seem a bit tired at times). But obviously their music appeals to the mainstream audience, and these people come by to see a concert.

Which is great, don’t get me wrong! It’s fabulous to see all those people falling in love with Katzenjammer. And all in all, the show was really nice. It just wasn’t what I expect from a Katzenjammer concert. There, I want to start dancing during the first song and not stop until the last. And I would love the people around me to join. And not just stand there gaping. Too bad they did just that.

It seemed like this show was a “bad one”. I assume that most other Katzenjammer shows have a better crowd – judging from the band reaction and their “helplessness” when people just didn’t react at all. So no, I don’t blame Katzenjammer at all. I don’t blame anyone. It just felt a bit like I need to take a little break from Katzenjammer concerts in the future – to come back in a year or two and be blown away by their show again.

So: Takk for sist og ha det bra, Katzenjammer! =:-)

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One Response to “08.11.2011 Katzenjammer (LKA, Stuttgart)”

  1. Vicky Chu says:

    Hey Sus, Thank you for giving us all a taste of the concert! I can tell you one thing – come down to London on the 4th December – we will do some hearty dancing and head-banging together!!! :))))) I know what you’re saying about the ‘immovable’ audience – sometimes it does happen that people are a bit under the weather and it’s difficult to get them going, but it only takes a couple of crazy Katzenjammer fans in the audience to get the party started – trust me! I know that it sounds mad and weird, but when you want to dance – just dance and never look at what other people are doing! You will be amazed at how quickly they will join in! :))))))))